Want to learn more about Email Marketing?

Did you know...

In terms of conversions, Email Marketing is still one of the most effective methods of turning prospects into sales and existing customers into repeat business?

For the vast majority of businesses, it’s true! While social media and CPC campaigns are an important part of a modern marketing strategy, email is still Number One when it comes to generating revenue.

What is Email Marketing?

Also known as EDM (email direct marketing), Email Marketing is the act of sending a commercial message to a group of people (or database) via email. This database will generally be comprised of your existing customers or leads who have subscribed.

Email Marketing Matters

Why is email marketing still so effective in today’s social climate? For one, it’s easy, effective and inexpensive. Secondly, it’s highly personalisable – with options to segment your database and send the most relevant messaging to each prospect or client. Thirdly, around 90% of people access their emails at any given moment via their smartphones – meaning your email has the high potential to be SEEN. And finally, email marketing is measurable – meaning that, unlike traditional media such as print campaigns, you can see the results of your campaigns and adjust your future messaging, content and design to drive the best return on investment.

Market My Company offers a wide range of Email Marketing services, including…

  • Email Marketing Platform Set-Up
  • Database Management
  • Email Design
  • Email Campaign Copywriting
  • Email Automation
  • Email Campaign Reporting
  • Email Marketing Training

Email Marketing Platform Set-Up

We can set up your email marketing account on the platform of your choice – ensuring you meet anti-spam guidelines and best practice from the get-go.

Database Management

Is your current database a bit of a mess? We can transform it into a clean and efficient list of current clients, partners and prospects, segment it towards your goals and key messages, and even create sign up forms that integrate with your website and social media to continue growing your lists.

Email Design

Our design team has extensive expertise in beautiful, responsive email design that converts, and can create bespoke design solutions for your brand each month. Want to take care of your email marketing in-house, but need a stunning template designed to get you started? We can whip you up a gorgeous, on-brand custom template that you can use time and time again.

Email Campaign Copywriting

Need help translating your ideas into compelling and concise copy? Our team can research and write your campaigns in line with your strategy, or whip your draft content into shape, ready for sending.

Email Automation

We LOVE email automation – and we know you will too! Want to send a special offer to your clients on their birthday? Remind prospects to purchase that abandoned cart item? Encourage return sales by emailing product offers to customers, based on their previous purchases? Automation allows us to set up emails for you in advance, which will be triggered to send according to predefined cues.

Email Campaign Reporting

Want greater detail on what’s working for your EDMS and what can be improved on? Looking to report back to your stakeholders how your emails are tracking in comparison with industry averages? We can report on single campaigns, or provide overviews of monthly or quarterly results.

Email Marketing Training

If you’d like to learn how to create and send emails in-house like a pro, we can provide one-on-one and team training to help you manage your lists, create killer copy, edit your template, and measure your success.

Whether you need a hand with one element of your next campaign, or you’d like to outsource the whole shebang, contact our Email Marketing experts now to talk about your needs and request a FREE QUOTE.


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